The Challenger League is an ambitious Minion Masters Tournament Organization, aiming to improve the competitive scene with both quality, and high level gamplay events.

Join the Discord to participate, and follow the Twitter to stay updated on future events!

Contact on TCL Discord
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BadAsAFish80's Minion Masters tournaments are designed to be accessible to all, regardless of skill level or timezone availability.

Featuring cash prizes plus in-game content they are a great way to win rewards, learn from others, make new friends and participate in the community.

Contact on BadAsFish80 Discord
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Long time Minion Masters Streamer Partner Sinobii organizes Tournaments.

Sinobii also hosts XBOX tournaments.

The more players in the events, the more prizes that unlock!

Contact on Sinobii Discord
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The King Puff Cup was the first tournament organization for Minion Masters.

The KPC was founded in February of 2017 and organized a total of 50 tournaments.

Watch the tournament videos on YouTube

Next Event Countdown:

Dates might change, make sure to check the latest dates with the different organizations.

Tournament Dates:

TCL Feb 1

TCL Feb 15

TCL Feb 29

TCL Mar 14

TCL Mar 28

TCL Apr 11

TCL Apr 25

TCL May 9

TCL May 30